Presenting The Golden Retriever - Bog
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Bogen af Fanny Hellström:
Presenting the Golden retriever 
Her får du en complet guide til handling, trimning, grooming og træning af din Golden Retriever.
Bogen kan fåes på svensk eller Engelsk.
Bogens bagside:
For the first time, there is a book that gives you the whole concept of presenting your Golden retriever in the show ring! Where the dog’s health and function are central and anchored in the breed standard. To show your dog in the ring is to take your moment in the spotlight and make the most of it. Presenting the Golden Retriever gives you inspiration and many tricks on how to reach the highest potential for both you and your dog. Full of educational photos and descriptions of all the details included when showing your dog in the ring. As a handler and judge, and with many years of experience holding seminars, workshops and courses in handling and trimming you now get the chance to take part in everything I have picked up over the years. I’m sharing my experiences from a whole life with dogs, and how a passion for the Golden Retriever was born, where both success and struggles followed my path. Always with the motto – to keep the joy when showing dogs! If you want the tools to be great at handling, trimming, grooming and to handle your nerves – then Presenting the Golden Retriever is for you!